It has been a very long time since I wrote my blog.
I used to have a blog on Yahoo, which was well organized and operated, but as social medias like Facebook becomes more and more popular; I didn't write as much blogs as before, and gradually my blog became deterred.
But when I take a look on the 2013 review on Facebook, I found out that- social media like Facebook, which only includes short text posts and mobile upload pictures, doesn't really record our life well: at least- not as well as the way my blog used to do.
Yahoo Blog stopped its operate with wretch last December, and I didn't really know where to move my blog to, so I back them up in my laptop. Somehow I felt so regret that I didn't really spend my time with it in the last moments before the website was shut down.
And now, I want to begin again.
I want to build a place where I can write down my life stories, even though I'm still young, I want to record them; and maybe one day in the future, I would be able to look at the articles, albums... imagine that I was still in the past: it may be a sweet memory, a sad moment, or maybe an exiting experience that should not be forgotten.
And here it is, I'll build a blog that would be as good as the last one, or EVEN better.
I'm going to write down my daily life and share my experience, no matter where I am- in the US or in Taiwan.
我以前曾在yahoo blog上註冊一個部落格。裡面記錄了我小熊生活到國一的點點滴滴
不過,當我這幾天看到Facebook上的Year Review的時候,我突然發現,這些簡短的PO文和手機上傳照片實在不夠足以記錄我的生活,至少-能力不像以前的Blog那麼的明顯。
當我想要回到以前的部落格時,Yahoo宣布其部落格和無名小站將停止服務,由於我對於要把部落格搬家搬到哪完全毫無頭緒,我只好把我的部落格備份到筆電上; 突然有點後悔,這幾年都沒有好好在blog上寫一篇好文章。
我想要重建一個可以讓我儲存記憶的地方:讓我在未來的某日,可以回首,看看過去,與過去的自己對話,也可以在短暫停留某個甜蜜的回憶 難過的時刻 或著是令人難以忘懷的經驗。
[Travel] [Study] [Abroad] [Photography] [Life] [Food] [Enjoy] [Moments] [Movie] [New York] [Taipei] [Taiwanese]
"Life is about courage, and going into the unknown." Only one word is enough to describe my feeling when the movie ende...
It has been a very long time since I wrote my blog. I used to have a blog on Yahoo, which was well organized and operated, but as social m...
我知道...我大概有三四個月沒碰我的blog了... 來寫文章的時候有一股來到北非大沙漠的fu 其實原本是有一篇在Manhattan一日遊的美食文要在四五月刊出來 不過學校的事情是在是太多了... (這一切的suffering都要歸功于本校的IB課程:Internati...
原本以為這次的新年會跟去年一樣 很冷清 很冷淡 很心酸的度過。 雖然這次的心難也是在國外過 不過出乎意料的是:今年的新年卻過得特別開心! My high-school is an international boarding school....
Alright, this is the first blog post after I got back to Taiwan. After all, there are too many things to do and work on during summer such...
We can not to see more good material from you....Kevin is the best !!