"Life is about courage, and going into the unknown."
Only one word is enough to describe my feeling when the movie ended: "Bravo."
I went to watch this movie a few days before I went back to US.
It was a very touching and encouraging film; even though the plot was pretty exaggerated in some way (how could a normal person just begin a romantic and exciting adventure so suddenly from his draggy daily life...?);
Still, we can't deny that the movie...it's just FABULOUS!!!
So, "The secret life of Walter Mitty" is based on the novel of the same name in 1939, written by James Thurber. It was made into movies once in 1947; but due to the gap of age between the original novel and now, the movie is more like the "modern version" of the story than the original ones.
這部電影是改編自1939年的同名小說,作者是Jaomer Thurber。曾在1947被改編成電影。˙ˊˋ由於原著的時代和現在有一長段的距離,所以劇情上也是有一些落差。
這部電影是改編自1939年的同名小說,作者是Jaomer Thurber。曾在1947被改編成電影。˙ˊˋ由於原著的時代和現在有一長段的距離,所以劇情上也是有一些落差。
The story begins with our main character- Walter Mitty's normal daily life in New York City: Nothing challenge, exciting, expect for sending a wink to his crush on online-website.
As E-books are replacing the place of normal paper-magazine, LIFE magazine (the company where Mitty worked) decided to transfers its production as an online-status.
當大部份的刊物都已經轉想電子化時,主角上班的公司:LIFE mgazine也決定將其產業電子化。
當大部份的刊物都已經轉想電子化時,主角上班的公司:LIFE mgazine也決定將其產業電子化。
Sean O'Connell, a photographer who works closely with Mitty, sent him a package of his negatives. The package contains the negative twenty five: the photo journalist's favorite work. And he hoped that the picture would be used as the cover for the final-print of the life magazine.
而知名攝影家Sean O'Connell決定送給米提他的底片,並且希望最後一期的LIFE magazine的封面使用25號底片-他多年來攝影生涯中最滿意的作品。
But negative 25 wasn't there, at least: wasn't in the package.
而知名攝影家Sean O'Connell決定送給米提他的底片,並且希望最後一期的LIFE magazine的封面使用25號底片-他多年來攝影生涯中最滿意的作品。
But negative 25 wasn't there, at least: wasn't in the package.
In order to find out where it is, Mitty decided to fly to Greenland to find O'Connell; and this is where his adventure began.
The movie's successful shall give its credits to Mitty. He's not a super solider wielding shield like Captain America; not a god from Norwegian tales wielding a hammer like Thor: He's a just normal person, like me, like you, and like all of us. A person that looks normal, but has a complete different place in his mind.
這部電影的成功,我認為全都給歸功於我們的主角:米提。 雖然他只是個平凡人,不像美國隊長會丟盾牌,不像索爾會召喚閃電;不過也因為如此,這種平凡英雄的角色更能與我們有共鳴。 這種看似平凡,但是內心卻有個完全不同的世界的人是不是跟你我有非常相似的地方呢?
Walter Mitty 本故事的主角:華特。米提 |
Walter Mitty "zoning out" 米提“出神中” |
The little place Mitty has in his head... 米提在做白日夢中的畫面 Thurber successfully created the story with his Mitty- a normal man that everyone can makes connection with. |
Also, Mitty's crush- Cheryl, also plays a very important role.
"You should follow that up. Grab the case!"-Cheryl |
"Ground Control to Major Tom~~~"-Cheryl (Imagination) |
Besides Mitty's imagination of Sean telling him to come to him in the picture, Cheryl's encourage to Mitty also make Mitty decide to go on the "journey impossible" to look for the mysterious negative 25. When she was singing "Space Oddity" to Mitty in his imagination, she gave him the courage to jump on the helicopter to the ship, continue his adventure looking for O'Connell.
米提之所以會踏上它的冒險旅程,除了看到Sean在照片裡跟他招手以外,Cheryl給他的鼓勵也是原因的其中之一。當她出現在米提的幻想中:彈唱著"Ground Control to Major Tom~~~",讓米提有了勇氣跑出酒店,跳上直升機,繼續他的”不可能的旅程“。
Also, the music from the movie was terrific. And my favorite one is "Step Out' by Jose Gonzalez: The main theme of the movie and trailer. The song really gives me the energy to go out and do something great.
我也非常喜歡電影中的配樂。尤其是主題曲:Jose Gonzalez的"Step Out",這首歌總是給我一種想要立刻沖出去追夢的能量。
"Time to step outside; time tostep outside, time to step outside you...."
lyrics/歌詞: Step Out lyrics
The ending theme "Stay Alive" also really connected with the end, the lyrics and rhythm gave hope to Mitty, though in the future will be hard; we know that he'll make it.
片尾曲"Stay Alive"也與結局相當的有關聯。歌詞和旋律雖然沒有Step Out那麼熱血,但是卻給予了結局希望。
"Dawn is coming.
Open your eyes.
Look into the sun as the new days rise."
"Beautiful things don't ask for attention"-Sean O'Connell |
Sean: They call the snow leopard "ghost cat". Never let itself been seen.
Mitty: Ghost cat.
Sean: Beautiful things don't ask for attention.
Mitty: So when are you going to take the picture?
Sean: Sometimes I don't. If I like a moment, for me, personally. I don't want to have the distraction of the camera, I just want to stay in it.
Mitty: STAY IN IT?
Sean: Yeah. Right there. Right here.
I also love the part when Walter came back to the office and gave Hendricks negative 25 for the cover.
Mitty: Hey, do you know our motto?
Hendricks: Life, I'm loving it?
Mitty: That's not it. That's McDonalds'. The thing that you do, Ted, where you come into a place and push people out, you should know these people work really hard to build this magazine. They believe in the Motto. And I get it, you've got your marching orders and you have to do what you have to do. but you don't have to be such a dick. Put that on a plague and hang it at your next job.
In the end, Walter Mitty finally found negative 25, and the last print of LIFE magazine is successfully printed with it.
最後,米提終於找到以底片25,而LIFE magazine的最後一期也成功的刊出。
After his experience and adventure, he's no longer the Mitty who zones out all the time. Now he becomes more brave confident. Though he still couldn't escape from being laid off from LIFE magazine, we know that he'll make it.
The Mitty with ABC- Adventurous, Brave, Creativity, no longer exists in Walter Mitty's fantasy, but in the real world. And he'll continue his life with them.
ABC米提(Adventurous , Brave, Creativity),不再存在於在哈林火車站做的白日夢,而在真實的世界裡,而他也會伴著這個精神,繼續勇敢面對人生的挑戰。
In the end, I want to talk about my feeling about the movie.
I saw a lot of comments for the movie is about "going int the unknown and chase your dreams."
But to me, that's only the surface of what the movie wanted to show us.
We might not be able to go to Greenland and Afghanistan, but we can simply just leave our frustrations and daydreams, then go out:
The place doesn't have to be as great as Himalayas or Iceland,; we can simply go to a park. Watching trees' leaves, seeing people's laugher, and feeling the tender of the wind; or maybe teach a kid how to play skateboard like Mitty did.
Think about yourself and those aspirations in the past, then think about now;
Think about whether your life is having value or not; think about whether you really did enjoy your life, enjoy the moment.
The essence of life is to treat our life well, and spend everyday of our life like it's the last day.