Alright, this is the first blog post after I got back to Taiwan.
After all, there are too many things to do and work on during summer such as internship and SAT preparation.
Now I finally got the time to work on my blog post once again… (OOWHOO~~~)
First of all, I was very lucky to have the participate in the internship in Taipei during my summer vacation.
Honestly I didn’t really expect that I was going to be able to being a part of this,
but guess what???
I made it: with a really “not-that-good” cv and a pretty successful interview wit the officials, I got to spent the first few weeks of my summer to get to see how a business looks in real life.
Well, I think it is really a great opportunity, after all, internship is a very rare experience for a seventeen-year-old teen because usually this is also for college/university students only.
During the internship I’ve got the chance to understand more details about EF, and I was able to do some marketing by social medias and joining inform meetings to attract potential customers.
Even though the internship only lasts for ten working days due to my SAT courses that starts in the beginning of July, I still learned a lot. Now I know that going to school is a pretty good thing; at least, A LOT BETTER than getting locked in a space and can’t leave until you finish your work.
At the same time, I also understand more about how hard it can be when you’re at work: For example, you’ll get a lot of phone calls with customer’s requests or even complaints; at the same time, you also need to complete the tasks that they are assigned with. But most importantly, I see that everyone in the office is working hard to achieve their goal, and I felt really glad that I got the chance to work besides and interact with them.
In the end, I am really glad that I was able to participate, especially when I was able to be a part of this in my hometown and have a really unique experience during summer. My superiors: Angel & Shirley, are both very nice and they really taught me a lot. And I would really recommend other students in EF Academy can consider about spending the first few weeks of summer on this program. After all it is a really unique experience; most important of all, if you haven’t bought the ticket back home yet, you really should consider about doing it in another country; so at the same time you will be able to learn about marketing and promoting; you will also be able to learn the culture of the country too.
Just wanna say thank you to the ones who were with me during the internship: Angel, Annie, and Shirley. You guys have been great partners and friends and I hope that we will be seeing each other soon.
Alright, I’ll just leave it here for a while, gonna work on my Extended Essay right now. IT’S NOW OR NEVER…
吼吼,這是回台灣過暑假之後第一篇文 (而且從七月拖到八月才寫完)
畢竟以一個十七歲的青少年來說真的是個很不同的體驗 加上說我寫的履歷好像也寫的不怎麼樣(我想這次能參加都要歸功于我超成功的interview)
不過我覺得印象最深刻的還是Inform Meeting吧
只要確保手有在抄筆記 耳朵開關有打開
腦袋有在處理課本和老師講解的資訊 還有不要上課時間去找周公就好了
不論是功課 報告 甚至是考試,這些煩人的東西都是為了未來而準備
確保我們在進入職場之前擁有對於自己的領域擁有一定程度的認知及了解 並懂得將其發揮在現實上。
首先先感謝Angel,從我進EF到現在真的幫過我很多,而且也是個很好的CPM + 上司和朋友,希望你在離開EF之後,可以好好休息和陪伴家人,期待以後再見面囉 (畢業典禮記得來紐約也誒)
然後要感謝Annie,讓我在實習的期間有位超級HIGH的朋友在一旁和一起主持Inform Meeting,明年暑假等我考完大學再見面吧哈哈
最後感謝Shirley,給我很多在工作上的一些技巧也帶來很多歡樂 (跟Annie根本就超HIGH的),千萬不能走啊,不然到時候我來EF Office沒有人可以欺負啊…(喂
先寫到這邊,我要回去趕我的論文了…. 最後附上照片~~~